What to Look For When Choosing a How-To Book on Meeting and Attracting Women...
Have you ever noticed that there are at least as many sites out there proclaiming to know how to get game with women as there are women out there?
How many of these 'writers' can actually score chicks? Answer: not very many.
Hmmm... I wonder if they've got a scam going...
Well, I'm here to clear the air for you on this one, and help point you to the best online dating information has to offer. I'll show you how to spot the fluff from the Real Stuff.
Let's look at the warning signs:
First of all, do you get the impression when you load their sites or look at their documents that these guys haven't quite finished fourth grade? They pepper their information with plenty of crude terminology and misspelled words, or they're promoting the concept of getting easy one-night stands with ANY woman at ANY time -- claims that no man could make. Take a look at their content and decide whether it's someone you'd take credibly for any kind of service, much less dating and sex advice. I'd have to click away from a site that looks like it was cobbled together with sappy graphics and a bad font. And if he can't show me more than a miracle penis-enlargement cure, it's time to move on.
Next, what do you think the credibility is of a guy who looks like your perverted uncle, has a PHD from a school in Outer Mongolia, and looks like he's been dating since they first scribbled the word on papyrus? Ask yourself, is this short, bald guy with a beer-belly REALLY getting some ass, or just your cash? There's a lot to be said for the guys who appear to be getting laid. Not that you should judge solely on appearance, since we all know that's not the essential trait, but if he looks like a fashion nightmare...
[Source: Random Thoughts on Dating and Relationship]
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